MILOS recently lived up to the Area Four Industries catch phrase “You Know What. We Know How.” with the design, static calculation and delivery of MILOS truss products for a unique, “high wire bike” climbing course for their client
“On The Ropes”.
On The Ropes is based in Radevormwald, Germany, and has been led by owner Hajo Muller since 1995. Their main focus is on the planning and building of rope courses at height that are in-tune with the natural surroundings. They also plan and build climbing walls, adventure stations and customized structures. One of their past standout projects includes the Big TeePee complex, which is the world’s biggest teepee, that was designed and constructed for Expo 2000 in Hannover, Germany.
The High Wire Bike project started with a rough concept provided to the A4I Germany office by On The Ropes. With this rough idea in hand, Area Four Industries Technical Director Norbert Tripp sprung into action to design a feasible structural solution and carry out all structural calculations in order to bring this unique concept to life.
The resulting artificial climbing structure, which is for rent and can be temporarily installed for any event, is made with a series of MILOS truss A-frames that are 11 metres high and stabilized with guy wires. The scary eighty metre climbing course and bike path are then achieved using two parallel wires that are stretched across the A-frames at more than 8m above the ground. The bottom wire is for climbers to either walk or make the terror-filled bike ride, and the top wire is a safety wire used for securing their climbing harness.
The course starts with climbers going up and across the “Burma Bridge” to reach the first platform. From this point, the full adrenaline rush starts when it’s necessary to either walk or ride the bike along the wire to get to the course’s exit point for the climb down.
The static calculation observes EN 12572 (Artificial climbing structures - Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods for ACS with protection points) and takes into account the self-weight of the climber/bike rider and a point load of 660 kg for the safety wire, for cases where climbers fall and put extra dynamic loading forces on the safety wire.
It’s interesting to note that the safety wire for this unique bike riding/climbing course features a patented system called “Rope Roller”, which was invented by Muller. The High Rope Bike system is available for rent from On-The-Ropes and can even include a thrilling zip line at the end of the course, which brings the total length of the course to 150 meters.
A new page will soon be added to the On-The-Ropes website with more information about the High Rope Bike system and rental conditions. The
www.roperoller.de website will also be updated in the near future.
With the completion and ongoing operation of the high wire bike and climbing course, MILOS have helped bring to life both their customer’s exciting concept and the full meaning of “You Know What. We Know How.”.